59 K.Rithika Vasantha

                                           GENERAL MEDICINE


      Hello and greetings to one and all who are currently reading my blog.

               This is Rithika , a third semester medical student and this blog is an assessment currently given to me.

👉 LINK TO THE ASSESSMENT : https://medicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/08/medicine-paper-for-aug-2021-bimonthly.html?m=1

💨QUESTION 1 :  Competency based peer to peer review and assessment:

  My question is , to review all the cases provided as links below and provide my critical appraisal of the captured data in terms of completeness , correctness , and ability to provide useful leads to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainities around the cases shared.

👉 First case : A case of acute glomerulonephritis  , due to sec. amyloidosis due to chronic poorly treated seronegative erosive rheumatoid arthritis .

Completeness :   The E-log was complete in all factors . It included chief complaints , present history , past history , medical/surgical history , personal history , family history , social & educational history , immunization history .
           This elog had everything one could have asked for ; for a better understanding of the case and to treat in a better way .

Review on the case :
  • The case was beautifully presented in detail , which is almost closely knit with his details , which seemed like a story to me , like a step-to-step detailed explanation .
  • Evolution of symptomatology was described in a detail manner .
  • There was also a detailed explanation of the patient's acute and chronic problem .
  • General examination was done in a much detailed way ; in different positions with clear documentation .
  • Clinical images of the patient and investigations were added with deidentification .
  •  Systemic examination with detailed inspection , palpation , range of movements was explained .
  • Diagnostic approach and treatment was also well explained .

 Correctness : All the data provided in the E-log is correct .

👉 Second case : Idiopathic Parkinson's disease stage 1 with denovo HTN & multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type ( MSA-P )

Completeness : The elog was complete . it included chief complaints , history of presenting illness , history of past illness , medical / surgical history , personal history , family history , social & education history , immunization history.

Review on the case:
  • The case was beautifully presented in detail , which is almost closely knit with his details , which seemed like a story to me , like a step-to-step detailed explanation .
  • Evolution of symptomatology was described in a detail manner 
  • CNS examination was described extremely well with all detailed documentation of reflexes etc.
  • Clinical images of the patient and investigations were added with deidentification .

 Correctness : All the data pirovided in the E-log is correct .

👉 Third case : Iatrogenic cushings syndrome secondary to topical clobetasol application all over the body for approx. 1 yr.

Completeness :  this elog was little incomplete acc. to me as it didn't include his past history , family history , treatment history , personal history .

Review on the case:
  • Evolution of current symptomatology was described beautifully .
  • De-identified clinical images in the presentation , showed us the condition of the pt. clearly .
  • His follow up details were also neatly documented .
 Correctness : All the data provided in the E-log is correct .

💨QUESTION 2: Testing the scholarship competency of the examinees

                   My question is , to analyze the cases and provide a problems list for each case and then discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainities around solving those problems

CASE 1 :👉 First case : A case of acute glomerulonephritis  , due to sec. amyloidosis due to chronic poorly treated seronegative erosive rheumatoid arthritis .

CASE 2:👉 Second case : Idiopathic Parkinson's disease stage 1 with denovo HTN & multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type ( MSA-P )

CASE 3: 👉 Third case : Iatrogenic cushings syndrome secondary to topical clobetasol application all over the body for approx. 1 yr.

💨QUESTION 3: Testing competency in evidence based medicine 

                 My question is to review the literature around sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic interventions mentioned and same around efficacy of this therapeutic interventions mentioned for each patient .

CASE 1: 👉 First case : A case of acute glomerulonephritis  , due to sec. amyloidosis due to chronic poorly treated seronegative erosive rheumatoid arthritis .

Investigations ordered in this case :
  • X-Ray of hands and wrists
  • Chest X-Ray - Rt. heart border showed mildly dilated rt. atrium . The lt. heart border shows a prominent aortic knuckle .
  • ECG
  • Blood tests
  • 24 hr Urinary protein : 1500mg
  • 24 hr Creatinine: 0.8
Urine microscopy: Showed dysmorphic RBCs and occasional pus cells .

Diagnostic Approach :
  • Features supporting diagnosis of glomerulonephritis
                       Oliguria , Hypoalbuminemia , dysmorphic RBCs in urine

CASE 2:👉 Second case : Idiopathic Parkinson's disease stage 1 with denovo HTN & multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type ( MSA-P )

Investigations ordered in this case :
  • ECG- Showed sinus tachycardia , with pseudo infarct pattern in lead I and aVL with dagger q waves in same leads ; also showed LVH .
  • 2 D ECHO: Grade II diastolic dysfunction

CASE 3:👉 Third case : Iatrogenic cushings syndrome secondary to topical clobetasol application all over the body for approx. 1 yr.

Investigations ordered in this case :
  • CBP
  • TLC
  • PLT
  • RBS - 139mg/dl
  • CUE Albumin - +1
  • LFT - TB - 1.03
  • Albumin - 3.9
  • RFT- urea - 22 
  • Serum creatinine - 0.6
  • Electrolytes -NA - 136 , K+ - 4 , Cl- - 98
  • ECG - Sinus tachycardia . LVH present
  • USG- Abdomen

💨QUESTION 4: Share the link to your own case report of a patient that you connected with and engaged while capturing his/her life events before and after illness and clinical and investigational images along with your discussion of that case.

👉Links to my E-logs : 

💨QUESTION 5:  Testing scholarship competency in logging reflective observations on our concrete experiences of this last month.

                   My question is to reflect and share my telemedical learning experiences from the hospital as well as community patients over the last month , particularly while E- logging case reports.

            Overall this month has been great . From the past 3 months , we've been doing elogs for the patients cases from home . I never came in direct contact nor did I see any patient in person during the logging experience of last 3 months .

             But , this month gave me that chance even though we didn't start with our clinical postings yet . I got to see the patient ,  about whom I was logging . I  also saw the environment present inside the hospital , all the hustle-bustle  going around with different cases and also the care which is being taken for each and every patient . I also learned about how medicines were prescribed and handling the attenders of the patients .

           All in all ,  With E-logging , and integrating learnings with my current subjects , pharmacology , pathology , microbiology , I have understood the why's of the disease and its clinical presentation. I understood why a particular drug is prescribed and how it helps the patient. Telemedicine has made me step into their shoes and understand what life is with the disease.

              I'd like to commend the faculty, interns , PGs  and HOD , Dr.Rakesh Biswas sir  for taking the initiatives and personally mentoring us.

              I thank the department of GENERAL MEDICINE for giving me this opportunity and I'm grateful🙌 for it !!!!!



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